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Apr 10, 2021
Dubois Overlook & Museum
Perched atop the badlands, our small town's scenic overlook has views of spiraling mountains, crumbling towers of rock, rolling hills...

Apr 5, 2021
Powdered Sugar Overload
The last snows to grace us in the spring were wet and clung to every twig, creating a winter wonderland. Branches bent to kiss the ground...

Mar 30, 2021
Jackson Hole over Togwotee Pass
As a lover of mountains, I couldn't have been more thrilled to lay eyes on the Teton Range near Jackson, Wyoming. Dusted in snow and...

Mar 28, 2021
Fitzpatrick Wilderness Trailhead
At the lower edge of the Shoshone National Forest are three lakes leading up to the Fitzpatrick Wilderness...

Mar 20, 2021
East Fork & the Edge of Union Pass
One of my favorite discoveries near our remote town is that the crumbling orange badlands to the north...

Mar 18, 2021
Riverton - The Rendezvous City
One of the nearest cities to our little blip on the map is Riverton, nearly 80 miles away. It boasts the only Wal-Mart within 150 miles...

Mar 14, 2021
A Frosty Morning by Horse Creek
Running perpendicular to Dubois, Horse Creek leads you past badlands, sprawling cattle ranches, shy herds of pronghorn antelope, and...

Mar 10, 2021
Vegas Revisited
Stumbling across some truly colorful art was an unexpected perk of hopping a few planes back to Nevada to finalize moving...

Mar 1, 2021
Winter Wrap-Up
Chilly mornings, icy peaks, frigid flights, and the last of the antlers before shedding season...

Feb 23, 2021
Happiness is a Warm Puppy
While it may not be travel or wildlife, there was a 3-hour round trip to pick up this sweet little puppydog, and he's certainly...

Feb 14, 2021
Snowshoe Jaunt near Brooks Lake
Despite growing up in Colorado, I had never used snowshoes before...but today was the day!

Feb 12, 2021
Charms of Small Town Living
There are perks to living in a small town...some were obvious before we ever made the move, and others were unexpected revelations...

Feb 8, 2021
Backyard Wildlife Sightings
Within a week of moving to the remote town of Dubois, Wyoming, we had already seen a very welcome array of wildlife...

Feb 6, 2021
First Snow in Our New Town
Thirty-six hours after moving from the Mojave Desert to the edge of the Wind River mountain range, we got our first snowfall...

Feb 3, 2021
Duck, duck, move!
With a promising new job secured, my boyfriend and I had just three weeks to prep for and make the move from southern Nevada to...

Jan 22, 2021
Our Visit to Dubois
Despite extensive research, nothing could have prepared me for the beauty of Dubois, Wyoming...

Jan 15, 2021
Discovering Dubois
Doo-BWAH? I had never heard of this tiny town in Wyoming, and wondered why it would have a French moniker...

Jan 8, 2021
The passion to begin this blog was sparked by the prospect of moving to a new state. Given that I had the opportunity to travel...
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